Welcome to Grace Bible Church! We exist to glorify God by making, maturing & multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ in our local community and among the least reached peoples of the earth. We are located in the central region of the Jersey Shore.
At Grace we care about making sure we understand and teach God’s grace clearly and accurately. Grace means that though we are all sinners and rebel against God, He reconciles us to Him through faith in the righteous life, death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.
We strive to be biblical in all we do, from how we teach children to the expository sermon heard every week from the pulpit. We love Scripture because it describes the glory of God and directs us in the paths He wants us to go. It is the foundation for everything we do.
We are people who love and follow Jesus Christ and have covenanted together to support and challenge one another in the pursuit of bringing Him glory by doing good to those around us!
Please join us this Sunday and/or spend some time on our website and get to know us—we look forward to welcoming you!