We give in order to show that God is worth more than our money. We give in order to support the work of gospel ministry in our congregation, our city, and around the world. Ultimately, we give because Jesus has given to us (2 Cor. 8:9). Giving generously is a responsibility of every member of our church who is able--and may also be good financial stewardship for those who are already faithfully giving to their own churches. Thank you for your generosity and your willingness to support the gospel ministry of Grace Bible Church.
Bill Pay
Have your regular offering deducted from your checking account, either automatically or prompted by you online. See your bank or credit union for details.
You can give by check in any worship service or through the mail (see address at bottom of page). You can place your check directly in the offering basket or first place it in an envelope.
Cash gifts and offerings should only be given in a worship service (do not send cash through the mail).