Our Lord gave the mandate to bring His truth to all nations, teaching them and instructing them in His ways, to obey His commands. We obey this by seeking to establish strong bonds with servants of Christ around the world. We support seek to support gospel work around the world with financial resources, prayer and interest. Throughout the year, we pray for our missionaries at our Prayer & Praise service, we give financially to support the ministry, and send groups of servants to aid the witness our missionaries have in their communities.
Mark and Ruth Harbour serve in Taiwan and are currently transitioning out of the organization they were serving with to begin working with a new organization called SEND International. They are currently working on a project called Vision 119 that seeks to establish sixty churches amongst some of the least reached people groups.
Chad is a dangerous country with civil and political unrest and terrorism. Rich and Anne Hoyt serve Christ through ministering to women at risk and women with AIDS and ultimately seeking to give them the hope and life only found in Christ.
Tim and Ceci Ramsey serve with LATCOM. LATCOM is an organization that ministers to the people of Bolivia. The scope of the ministry includes running the Monte Blanc kids camp, which serves over 5,000 campers annually while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. They also support church plant efforts as well as conduct church and government leadership training programs.
Armenian Pastors:
Gevorg Gevorgyan
Pastors a church in Ijevan, which lies in the mountain region of northern Armenia. There they run many outreach ministries into the local community such as VBS, kids camps and evangelistic meetings.
Artak Grigoryan
Lives in Kapan in southern Armenia. Artak is seeking to reach the community with Christ with the aim of establishing a church.
Hakob Geuleserian
Pastors a Syrian congregation in the capital of Armenia, Yerevan, which is located in central Armenia. In 2007 Hakob fled war in Aleppo, Syria, with his family and church congregation to find safety in Armenia. Their ministry is now to the many Syrian refugees fleeing the war-torn country of Syria.
Through AIA, the Akselsens host outreach soccer camps and sports clinics, reach coaches and pro athletes at sports conferences, and assist high school/college teams on missions trips.
Kwacha and his wife Amanda will spend two years preparations in South Africa serving local churches and teaching in Christ Baptist Seminary before moving to Malawi where he will train pastors, disciple students, and aid church plants.
Fenel and his wife Mimi serve the Lord in Haiti. They are part of Go Out Ministries, a Christian non-profit organization there. They have taken on the full responsibilities of housing, feeding, educating, and caring for all the needs of 13 children. The house of Abraham has become home to these children and a base station for missionary teams from the U.S. and Canada.