
Membership at Grace is when a regular attender decides they want to join in covenant with the other members of this local church. We think this is an important aspect of the church's life together and the pastors' responsibility to shepherd the church of God among them. We have tried to reflect the importance and simplicity of this in our process of joining in membership at Grace. There are 5 simple steps for joining Grace in formal membership:


  1. Be a regular attender at Grace for at least 6 months
  2. Affirm your acceptance and willingness to submit to our doctrinal statement and agree to refuse teaching against it where you have questions or differences.
  3. Attend two Saturday morning membership classes where the distinctives of our church and membership at Grace are explained and you have opportunities to ask questions.
  4. Attend congregational meeting where your name is given to the church so they know you are pursuing formal membership at Grace.
  5. Attend right hand of fellowship service on the following communion Sunday where you will affirm your commitment to the church covenant with the rest of the members present that morning.
  6. Enjoy fellowship and service at Grace Bible Church for the glory of God and the good of his church.