September 9, 2012

Fruitful Followers

Preacher: Randy Smith Series: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 5:19–26


Fruitful Followers

Galatians 5:19-26
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Pastor Randy Smith

I remember the first striped bass that I caught off the beach here in New Jersey. It was done in dramatic fashion because the fish somehow dislodged my pole from the holder in the sand. It was dark at night, but I could see a silhouette of my rod rapidly working its way toward the ocean. I must have looked like a fool, but I dove for the pole in the sand and both managed to save the pole and land a rather nice sized fish.

When I got home I filleted the fish, Julie seasoned the meat and we placed it on the grill for a very tasty meal. On the other hand, the remains of the fish were discarded in the garbage can only to sit contained in a warm garage. Big mistake! Within a couple days, the stench was something I will never forget.

It's interesting how off the same body I could receive a delicious and appetizing meal and also a decaying and awful mess. One body producing two polar opposite effects.

The same could be said for Christians. One body producing two polar opposite effects - singing praises to God minutes ago to yelling at your spouse in the car on the way home. The Bible calls it walking in the Spirit or walking in the flesh. One is beautiful, imitating God and attractive to others like a mouth-watering meal, while the other is nauseating, imitating Satan and repulsive to others like a decaying carcass.

The final two chapters in Galatians deals with this specific matter. In verse 16, Paul introduces the topic: "But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh." Then Paul elaborates the thought in verses 17-24 telling us both the conflicting natures of the Spirit and the flesh and the differing attitudes and actions each produces. The thesis is mentioned again in verse 25: "If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit." And then in the first ten verses of chapter 6, Paul provides for us an application of the principle.

So here is what I would like to accomplish with you this morning. As you can see in your sermon outline, first we will explain why and how we should want to walk in the Spirit and not the flesh. Second we will identify the specific fruits of the Spirit and the specific deeds of the flesh. And third we will analyze this matter from a theological perspective, drawing several points of application.

1. The Fruits Promoted

The first point. Why and how should we manifest spiritual fruit? Very briefly here.

We should manifest fruit in our lives because it honors the Lord, gives evidence of His work in our lives and contributes to a healthy home and church. So I can put it this way - we should desire it! As the end of verse 17 says, they are "the things that [we] please." Good spiritual fruit (like that mentioned in verses 22-23) is something we all want, right?

So how do I get it? Brief review from last week. We walk in the Spirit and the Spirit produces fruit in our lives. And how do we walk in the Spirit? We abide in Christ through faithful devotion to the spiritual disciplines. And what are the spiritual disciplines? Prayer, Bible reading, church attendance, service, evangelism and the like. So as we pursue Christ and live holy lives, He works His power in us. As He said in John 15:5, "Apart from Me you can do nothing." Jesus through the Holy Spirit produces spiritual fruit.

2. The Fruits Identified

Let's move to the second point and briefly identify the deeds of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit from verses 19-23.

The first three deeds of the flesh are sexual in nature.

  • Immorality - A broad term meaning all unbiblical sexual activity especially but not limited to adultery, fornication, homosexuality, incest and bestiality. In other words, sexual relations that go beyond a husband/wife relationship.
  • Impurity - Literally the word means "unclean" and it has to do with any uncleanliness (joke, innuendo, fantasy) even without a physical relationship taking place.
  • Sensuality - Unrestrained sexual indulgence without shame or concern for others.

The next two deeds of the flesh are religious in nature.

  • Idolatry - Admiration or reverence for anything else that surpasses your devotion to God.
  • Sorcery - Tampering with the powers of evil and the occult (black magic, ouija boards, mediums, fortunetelling, etc. The word ("pharmakeia") also has its roots in the illegal use of mind altering drugs.

The next eight deal with human relationships.

  • Enmities - Deep rooted hatred.
  • Strife - Bitter conflict.
  • Jealousy - Resentment over what someone else has.
  • Outbursts of anger - Sudden, unrestrained expressions of hostility.
  • Disputes - Arguing to advance the cause of self.
  • Dissensions - Disagreement that leads to discord and division.
  • Factions - Self-will that leads to separation.
  • Envying - Wanting what another person has and resenting them for having it.

And the final two deal with uncontrolled living in excess.

  • Drunkenness - Under the influence of a substance.
  • Carousing - Uncontrolled and crude behavior.

Contrasting the deeds of the flesh are the fruit of the Spirit.

  • Love - Supreme virtue, intentional self-sacrificial actions for others. This is the dominant "fruit of the Spirit." All that follows is a manifestation of love.
  • Joy - Feelings of inner gladness and delight unrelated to circumstances.
  • Peace - Tranquility of the mind, contentment, also unrelated to circumstances.
  • Patience - Tolerance and longsuffering with others who irritate us.
  • Kindness - A tender concern for others.
  • Goodness - Moral excellence that is demonstrated in words and actions, active kindness.
  • Faithfulness - Loyalty, trustworthiness to be counted on, reliability to keep your word, dependability to observe timetables and finish a job.
  • Gentleness - Meekness, humility, strength under control.
  • Self-control - Ability to master desires and appetites.

3. The Fruits Analyzed

So now that we have identified these fruits, let's analyze them from a theological perspective (our third point) and seek to draw some points of application. I have eight for you.

First, neither of these lists is exhaustive. What I mean by that is these two lists are only a representation of some of the traits produced either by the Spirit or by the flesh. Paul lists fifteen deeds of the flesh and then adds in verse 21 "and things like these." In other words, he could keep going, but since these deeds are "evident" (as he said in verse 19), there is no need to since his point is made. Therefore do not come to these lists as a checklist. Rather view these lists as a sampling to indicate whether or not you are walking in the Spirit or in the flesh. The focus should not be on the lists, but rather on the God who produces the good fruit in His children.

Second, we must remember that all that is produced within us is an overflow of the heart. Jesus said, "The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart" (Lk. 6:45). In the Bible the heart is compared to a tree. If the tree is good it will bring forth good fruit, but if the tree is bad it will bring forth bad fruit. So victory in this area is not trying harder, but rather asking Jesus Christ for a new heart. And then once coming to Jesus Christ, abiding in Him whereby He produces these fruits in your life. Do fruit trees produce fruit by much effort? If you sneak up on them in the spring do you hear them grunting and groaning? Of course not! Fruit is simply a natural and spontaneous and consistent by-product of a fruit tree. It is what they are expected to do! Therefore all deeds of the flesh are a Jesus problem. And all fruit of the Spirit is a Jesus action.

Third, if the fruits of the Spirit are all from the Lord, it is logical to assume that if we are walking in the Spirit we will be bearing all of the fruits. The attitude of, "I am doing well here, but miserably failing there" simply shows your marks of supposed righteousness are only self-generated. This is not a question of majority vote! In other words, if you think you are kind and loving, but you can't show up on time for anything thus showing no faithfulness and can't put down the bag of Doritos thus showing no self-control you are not walking in the Spirit. So if you are walking in the Spirit there will be to a general degree evidence of all these fruits of the Spirit.

Fourth, in speaking of evidence, this list shows us how we can tell if we are really "Spirit-filled." I find it interesting how often I hear people in the church esteem people as being godly based upon what they feel are the marks of true godliness. And everybody seems to have different standards. Perhaps we simply need to read what the Bible says. Evidence of the Spirit's presence will be the Spirit's fruits.

You can have the ostentatious actions during worship. Give me the people who worship from the heart and display emotions, but do so with humility and self-control not seeking to draw attention to themselves. You can have all the overbearing dispositions who think they are advancing the kingdom, but in actuality are only turning people away and driving others nuts. Give me the people who know how to contend for the faith with gentleness exhibiting the same love and discernment and self-control seen in Christ. You can have all those "slain in the spirit" during the sermon. Give me the person who with joy diligently hungers for the Word and seeks application from what they hear. You can have all the unusual displays of talent, but it is done inconsistently and is driven for man's praise. Give me the faithful workers persevering week in and week out laboring only for the Lord's approval. You can have the sharp talker who only delights in flaunting his biblical knowledge. Give me the patient people who know how to be slow to speak and quick to listen. You can have all the people who put on a noticeable front in the church while living a life of hypocrisy and showing anything but Christ in their homes. Give me the people who are good at heart and know how to display that goodness first and foremost on a faithful basis with their families. So you can have all the cultural and phony displays of godliness. Give me a church filled with people walking in the Spirit and displaying love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. For those are godly and Spirit-filled people!

Fifth, if you need a good example of the deeds of the flesh, look to Satan. The deeds of the flesh are all rooted in pride, and all of them are a result of an empty heart consumed with self-seeking that uses others and even God to fulfill its selfish needs. Deeds of the flesh are the evidence that we are not satisfied and are reaching out or lashing out because things are not going the way we want them to.

My time is being wasted by this person of lesser intelligence, so I will insult the individual. Forget about the patience. My life needs greater comfort and peace, so I will get intoxicated. Forget about true joy. My heart wants adventure, so I will allow my mind and computer to go places they shouldn't be. Forget about the faithfulness. My wife no longer thrills me, so I'll commit adultery. Forget about faithfulness. My self-esteem is not gratified in another's success, so I'll be jealous and envious. Forget about the goodness. My children are not doing as I want, so I will yell at them in outbursts of anger. Forget about the kindness and gentleness.

On the other hand, if you need an example of the fruit of the Spirit, look to Jesus Christ. He was filled with God. The Scripture says, "For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form" (Col. 2:9). And therefore Jesus had no empty love tank. Being God He was filled with God. He didn't need to use people or find satisfaction in the empty cisterns that never deliver. He simply gave, overflowing with all these fruits of the Spirit. We too must die to our agendas, submit ourselves to a sovereign God, abide in Christ, walk in the Spirit and be a vessel God can use to bless other people with what He produces in us.

Sixth, attitude fruit will always lead to action fruit. What that means is this. You can't have the desire or strength to do all the visible actions that God expects of you (serving others, prayer, evangelism, etc.) unless He is first working in your heart and giving you the right attitude. You see, when we walk in the Spirit, God gives us the right attitude fruit. By His grace we develop a heart that is kind and gentle and peaceful and loving and full of joy. But our hearts must never be a dead end street. These attitudes must overflow with actions that are demonstrated first back to God and then to others. So if the actions are not there, it means the attitudes are not there. And if the attitudes are not there, it means that God is not there as well.

Seventh, if you walk in the Spirit, you can have the confidence that God will produce fruit. The Spirit will never fail to bear fruit. Jesus Christ wants you to bear fruit. And the Father is glorified by you bearing fruit. John 15, "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing" (Jn. 15:5). "My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples" (Jn. 15:8). "You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain" (Jn. 15:16). So if you are a Christian who is abiding in Jesus Christ, there is absolutely no reason you cannot overcome the flesh and bear spiritual fruit. It is the will of God that He is always faithful to make this possible through His empowerment. God wants you victorious, but only through Him will you get there.

And eighth, this matter is of serious importance. No one is saying that only those who go to heaven are those who always bear the fruit of the Spirit. But the Bible does declare that if we are identified or characterized by any of the deeds of the flesh, there is a good indication that we are not Christians at all. I'm not talking about an occasional departure from the Spirit. I am talking about any of these traits that are displayed in an ongoing basis. I get this directly from verse 21. When Paul concludes his list on the deeds of the flesh he says "and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."

We are saved by grace alone. Paul in this letter has just spent four chapters defending this wonderful reality. But as Paul says here, true salvation will indeed show itself. The fruit does not save us, but the fruit does give evidence that we have been saved and are now living with a new heart that fervently beats after Jesus Christ.

So the deeds of the flesh or the fruit of the Spirit? Verse 16, "But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh." Are you abiding in Christ through a faithful commitment to the spiritual disciplines? Like a tree, are you giving evidence of your type by the fruits that you bear?

Imagine a family where the fruit of the Spirit is being continually manifested. You know, when I go out, it is so rare to see a whole family together. I am becoming more convinced that they simply can't stand one another and would rather run off and just do their own thing. How sad! Yet how beautiful is a unified family that can really enjoy each other and live in harmony.

It has got to start with you. Is all of the fruit evident in your life? Are there any deeds of the flesh revealing a life not totally submitted to the Spirit? Let's not make this more complex than it is. Do some self-evaluation. Better yet, ask a spouse or someone who knows you very well to honestly share with you the life they witness from you as it relates to this passage from Galatian 5. Do you have the courage and humility to ask that question? We are all in the process of spiritual growth, and it is never too late to begin making some radical God-honoring changes in your life.

Remember one body that can either be a smelly decaying carcass or a mouth-watering meal that is a delight to others.

other sermons in this series

Oct 14


Harvesting Peace and Harmony

Preacher: Randy Smith Scripture: Galatians 6:11–18 Series: Galatians

Oct 7


Sowing and Reaping

Preacher: Randy Smith Scripture: Galatians 6:6–10 Series: Galatians

Sep 23


The Spirit-Filled Church

Preacher: Randy Smith Scripture: Galatians 6:1–5 Series: Galatians